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GREEN DIAMOND - SEPARATE PRODUCT TITLES PNG - 2500 x 100 px - aug 21 -5.png
MYKOS PRO 100 provides a granular form of pure mycorrhizal inoculum. This formulation is ideal for new & renovated landscapes, large habitat restoration projects, and harsh environments.


Promotes strong root development that improves moisture and nutrient uptake 
Can increase irrigation savings
Improves plant health and durability, helping maintain beautiful landscapes
Improves soil composition over time 
Can help minimize the growth of undesirable weeds and potentially reduce reliance on pesticides
Provides biological components that are natural and safe for the environment


Available Sizes:

20 lb. bag - 2 bags per case



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For Turf and Golf Greens

For best results, apply during routine aeration process. After coring, load product into a spreader to broadcast  evenly at a rate of 5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Sweep inoculant into divots to maximize root contact. Product must be applied before adding additional sand to fill gaps. 


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For New Sod/Seed Applications 

Apply at a rate of 5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. onto the surface of the prepared soil.Then, place sod or broadcast seed. After broadcasting seed, rake to mix seed and inoculum into the top 1" of soil. 
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